Nih grant transfer instructions
nih grants policy statement
nih grant transfer to another pi
nih formstransferring grants to another institution
nih change of institution prior to award
nih grant handbook
grant relinquishment letter
nih relinquishing statement instructions
The Principal Investigator needs to communicate with the Program Officer before the transfer process begins. Each funding agency has specific instructions and. The following variations to standard electronic submission instructions apply to transfer applications: SF 424 (R&R) Cover Form Change of grantee organization 1. Form PHS 3734, Official Statement Relinquishing Interests and Rights in a Public Health. Service Research Grant. A relocation application will not be e. The transfer package meets all other NIH administrative requirements. Each grant transfer instructions may vary according to RFA/PA and Agency.? On behalf of your current institution, prepare a written statement, in letter format, relinquishing interests and rights to the grant based on instructions. As stated above, the original grantee must provide a written statement relinquishing its interests and rights to the grant in accordance with instructions from NIH prior approval is required for the transfer of the legal and administrative responsibility for a grant-supported project or activity from one legal A Relinquishing Statement is required as part of the Change of Institution process enabling an extramural recipient institution to transfer an active grant NIH prior approval is required for the transfer of the legal and administrative responsibility for a grant-supported project or activity from one legal
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